Communism is the history. Or is it the future?

Srp a kladivo - symbol Sovětského svazu Minulý rok jsem dostal v angličtině za úkol napsat esej(ang. essay) na téma „Komunismus je historie nebo budoucnost?“ Jelikož vím, jak se tyto slohovky stěží hledají na internetu, rozhodl jsem se přispět také troškou obilí do mlýna.

Communism is an ideology of classless society, based on common ownership of the means of production. The father of this idea was Karl Marx who lived in the 19th century. And V. I. Lenin was the one who made it real in Russia.

One of the best ideas is that everyone must work. All companies are controlled by state so a lot of people work in same company for all live. There are grants to make it easier to live in an own house or a flat. Communism still works in a few countries like China, North Korea or Cuba. The Chinese communism works quite well so in the future China could top the USA.

On the other hand communism has also disadvantages. It is impossible to start private business. All companies are owned by state. There is censorship in all media. Nobody could say own opinion. Travelling is limited. There is lack off goods.

I think there are more disadvantages so I ‘am happy that communism is history in our country. I hope it never come back because I can’t imagine my life without travelling anywhere. I would like to run my own business in the future also.

China has many hidden problems so I ‘am sure that it will collapse because communism can’t work for a long time. Shortly communism belongs to history books.


Esej(ang. essay) se skládá nejčastěji z 5 odstavců a má pevnou strukturu:

  • 1. Úvod – obecně pojednat o tématu
  • 2. Stať – vypsat pozitivní věci na tématu
  • 3. – vypsat negativní věci na tématu
  • 4. – místo na vlastní názor
  • 5. Závěr – shrnutí, jak se situace bude vyvíjet do budoucna


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